
Resedinta de vara a Alinei Stirbey si a generalului Emanuel Florescu ramane cunoscuta astazi drept cea mai veche cladire civila din orasul Sinaia, ea a luat nastere la doleantele fiicei domnitorului Barbu Bibescu-Stirbey.

Castelul Stirbey sta sub semnatura arhitectului olandez Josef Jacob Schieffleers, care reuseste prin maiestrie sa creeze un adevarat castel intre ale carui ziduri se pastreaza si astazi secretele , tradarile si marile iubiri ale familiei marelui domnitor.

Astazi, Castelul Stirbey gazduieste Muzeul Orasului Sinaia, care este alcatuit din 13 sali tematice ce te invita sa descoperi tainele orasului.

Salile muzeului

Istoria orasului

Sinaia pe care o cunoastem astazi este opera arhitectilor din intreaga Europa ce au reusit sa zideasca un burg German in inima Carpatilor, astfel Sinaia s-a dezvoltat in jurul Manastirii ce poarta numele Muntelui Sfant. Aristocratii sfarsitului de secol XIX si inceputului de secol  XX hotarasc sa isi stabileasca resedinta de vara in orasul ce va purta cu mandrie titlul de Perla Carpatilor pentru mai bine de un veac.

In centrul salii ce prezinta istoria orasului troneaza o macheta ce prezinta in pasteluri micul oras european de la portile orientului.

Salonul aristocratic

Inceputul de secol  XX prezinta Sinaia drept un oras al elitelor, al luxului si exuberantei, astfel micul colt de aristocratie al castelului dezvaluie printre acorduri de pian parfumul anilor in care fracul si corsetul iti ofereau un statut social privilegiat.

Comorile din Bucegi

De la poalele Bucegilor si pana la crestele abrupte, un tablou feeric pictat in mii de culori te invita sa descoperi pe cararile neumblate de pasul omului comorile ferecate in inima muntilor. De la delicatetea edelweiss-ului si pana la paleta infinita a orhideelor, ni se prezinta o lume desprinsa din basmele copilariei unde caprioarele si cerbii au luat locul zmeilor.


Sinaia o fost inspiratie pentru Enescu, Grigorescu sau Tatarescu, rai pentru Maria Regina Romaniei si cunoastere de neam pentru Nicolae Iorga, Sinaia ramane totodata in memoria tuturor drept finalul calatoriei spirituale a celui ce va purta pe umeri titlul de Parintele Ardealului, Arsenie Boca.

Orase infratite

In 1968 cand Romania se afla in plina ascensiune comunista, fosta resedinta regala de vara semneaza protocolul de infratire cu orasul italian Aosta si astfel Sinaia ramane primul oras sub un regim totalitar care va rupe barierele politice impuse de ideologiile regimului.

Orient Express

Faimoasa garnitura detinuta de Venice Simplon Orient Express continua traditia inceputa acum mai bine de un secol si invta calatorii sa parcurga in interioare de epoca de inspiratie Art- Deco, drumul din capitala mondiala a modei pana in misteriosul oras de pe maluruile Bosforului.

Stancile Franz Joseph

In urma vizitei imparatului Austro- Ungariei Franz Josef, primul monarh organizeaza un dineu fastuos la inaltime,langa stancile ce astazi ii poarta numele, de unde invitatul sau putea sa priveasca spre linia orizontului ce despartea Vechiul Regat de Marele Imperiu.

Sala sporturilor

De la regii partiilor pana la campionii bobului, Muzeul Orasului Sinaia gazduieste astazi o expozitie ce prezinta anii de aur ai sporturilor de iarna, atunci cand tricolorul era arborat pe cele mai inalte culmi.

Text: Costin-Mihai Dumitru

*ultima intrare se face la 17:20


Stirbey Castle was Alina Stirbey’s and General I. E. Florescu’s summer residence and nowadays it is known as the oldest civil building in Sinaia. It was built under the special wish of prince Barbu Bibescu-Stirbey’s daughter.Stirbey Castle was designed by the Dutch architect Josef Jacob Schieffleers, who succeeds in creating an exquisite Castle with walls keeping secrets, betrayals and loves of the great prince’s family even today.Nowadays, Stirbey Castle hosts Sinaia City Museum that includes 13 thematic halls and invites you to discover the secrets of the city.

The museum halls

City history Sinaia as we know today is the work of architects all over Europe who managed to build a German burg in the heart of Carpathian Mountains, so that Sinaia developed around the Monastery that was named after the Holy Mountain.
The aristocrats who lived at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century decided to establish their summer residences in the city that would be known as the Pearl of the Carpathians for more than a century.In the middle of this hall there is a coloured scale model that presents the small European city  located at the gates of the Orient.
Aristocratic Hall
At the beginning of the 20th century Sinaia was the city of elites, luxury and exuberance, so that the little aristocratic corner of castle shows you among piano strains the perfume of the years when the tail coats and the bodice offer you a privileged social position.
Bucegi treasures
From the foot to the steep ridges of the Bucegi Mountain you can discover a marvellous multicoloured landscape with unexplored paths to the treasures locked in the heart of the mountain.
Sinaia was an inspiration source for Enescu, Grigorescu or Tatarescu, a heaven for Romania’s Queen Maria and knowledge of his nation for Nicolae Iorga. Sinaia also remains in the memory of everybody as the end of the spiritual journey of the well known Father of Transylvania, Arsenie Boca.
Twin cities
In 1968 when Romania is in full communist rising, the former royal summer residence signs the twinning protocol with the Italian city Aosta and so Sinaia remains the first city under a totalitarian regime that will break the political barriers imposed by the ideologies of the regime.
Orient Express
The famous train owned by Venice Simplon Orient Express continues the tradition started more than a century ago and invites travellers in Art Deco Style interiors  to go on a journey  from Paris, the world fashion capital to Istanbul, the mysterious city on the banks of Bosphorus.
Franz Joseph’s rocks
Following the visit of the Austro-Hungarian emperor Franz Joseph, Carol I the first monarch of Romania, organizes a high-class dinner near the rocks that today bear the emperor’s name, where the high guest could look at the line of horizon that separated the Old Kingdom from the Great Empire.
The Sports Hall
From the kings of the ski slopes to the champions of the bobsleigh, Sinaia City Museum hosts today an exhibition that shows the golden years of winter sports when the Romanian flag was flying over the highest heights.