Cafenea – Coffee Shop

In salonul de primire al celui mai vechi castel din Sinaia vei descoperi cea mai aristocrata cafenea din toate timpurile. In acorduri muzicale poti scrie o noua fila din povestea ta, proiectand prin oglinda timpului farmecul intalnirilor marilor aristocrati.

Doar aici poti observa cum timpul a inghetat farmecul celei mai feerice perioade si a imbinat cu stil rafinamentul modern cu elementele arhitecturale de stil romantic.

In cafenea vei putea observa cel mai vechi obiect din acest castel si anume o soba din ceramica alba, cu motive desprinde direct din farmecul vietii de poveste pe care printesele si cavalerii o traiau la castel. Povestile prinse in zidurile castelului te vor duce cu gandul la balurile aristocratiei, la inimile furate la ceas de seara si la intalnirile ce decideau destinul intregii tari. Zidurile pot pastra si povestea ta daca alegi sa petreci un eveniment de vis in salile Castelului Stirbey.

Cafeneaua Castelului Stirbey este perfecta pentru fiecare dupa-amiaza in care vrei sa privesti cerul albastru inaltat de copacii seculari ce stau de straja castelului. Terasa cafenelei, ce se afla pe balconul castelului, iti vor oferi in orice clipa un moment de relaxare si o privire spre gradina interioara ce a tainuit pasii cavalerilor si unde inca poti auzi tropaitul cailor.

Daca vrei sa traiesti si tu o poveste magica la castel, te asteptam zilnic, intre orele 10:00 si 18:00 sau asteptam sa iti gazduim  evenimentul intre zidurile tainice ale castelului.

In the reception room of the oldest castle in Sinaia, you will discover the most aristocratic coffee shop of all times. On piano background, you can write a new page in your story, projecting through the mirror of time the charm of the great aristocrats meetings.

Only here you can see how time has frozen the charm of the most fairy period and combined with style modern refinement with romantic architectural elements.

In the coffee shop you can find the oldest object in this castle, a white ceramic stove, with motives directly detached from the charm of story life that princesses and knights lived at the castle. The stories caught in the castle walls will lead you to the balls of the aristocracy, to the stolen hearts and to the meetings that decided the destiny of the whole country.

Walls can also keep your story if you choose to spend a dream event in the Stirbey Castle.

Stirbey Castle coffee shop is perfect for every afternoon, if you want to see the blue sky raised by the secular trees standing on the castle’s guard. The coffee shop’s terrace that is on the castle’s balcony, will give you a moment of relaxation and a look at the inner garden that concealed the knights’ steps and where you can still hear the horseshoe.

If you want to live a magical story at the castle, we expect you from Wednesday to Sunday between 10:00 and 18:00 or wait for you to host your event between the mysterious walls of the castle.

Text: Ana Sarandi